
Showing posts from July 4, 2021

4 Ways to Encourage Your Children’s Imagination

  Excitement. The state of gratitude and the beginning of creativity and enjoyment. Sounds…cool? So how to increase wonder in our children’s lives? The majority of items that increase a child's sense of wonder fall into four categories. Take it in your child's room as your strategy in four steps to create a magnificent and creative space. 1. Unbelievably large things Big teddy bear is one of baby’s favorite thing. They are amazed on how big the teddy bear is! Try to put something bigger than they are in their room. If you have little floor space, a large artwork is a good place to start.  2. Unbelievably small things Children are fascinated by little things, almost as much as they are admired by big objects. Collect a few small things to display in their room so that they can learn not to put little things into mouth. Begin with small natural things - small flowers or little pebbles will be effective. Add a loupe for additional fun. 3. Things that are hard to comprehend Chil...

Bila Bayi Boleh Makan Keju?

  Keju merupakan makanan yang terkenal dengan nutrisi yang bermanfaat selain kaya dengan protein, kalori dan vitamin yang diperlukan untuk tubuh si kecil. Maka tidak hairanlah jika dalam kalangan Mommies yang teruja untuk memberikan keju untuk anak. Bila bayi boleh makan keju? Menurut kebanyakan paediatrik, bayi boleh diperkenalkan dengan keju apabila mereka berusia 8 bulan keatas. Ini kerana pada masa tersebut, mereka sudah mampu mengunyah dan menelan makanan lembut seperti keju. Manfaat keju untuk bayi Kalsium: pertumbuhan tulang bayi dan gigi Protein: memberi pertumbuhan yang optimal Kalori: membekalkan sumber tenaga Lemak: menu diet untuk bayi overweight Senarai keju yang baik untuk bayi Keju yang baik untuk bayi adalah keju yang telah dipasteur atau dikultur. Antara keju yang selamat diberi kepada bayi ialah: Cottage cheese Parmesan cheese Cheddar cheese Cream cheese Mozzarella cheese Senarai keju yang tidak sesuai untuk bayi Keju yang tidak dipasteur dan keju...

Work-Life Balance: Tips For Working Mother

  Working mothers faced particular challenges. It is an impossible challenge in balancing work and family life. Being perceived as not fully present as an employee or a mother can be exhausting and thankless. But this does not have to be the case.  Here are five strategies for ensuring that both your career and your family thrive. Get over the feeling of guilt Some women are unable of being ‘stay-at-home’ mothers, while others choose to return to work because they do not want to give up their careers. Choosing to be a working mother is a choice to be admired rather than judged or shamed. If you are feeling guilty about not always being with your child, it is time to let it go. Start focusing on the benefits the company can be contributed to your family. Create time-saving techniques Plan your task smart and strategically to get the most out in the least amount of time. Mommies can try to order food through online web or have delivered it to your house, saving tim...

Masalah ‘Overweight’ Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak – Apakah Yang Menjadi Punca Utama?

  Pertambahan berat badan dalam kalangan kanak-kanak merupakan perkara yang normal sepanjang proses tumbesaran. ‘Ideal weight’ juga bertambah seiring dengan umur. Namun, yang menjadi kebimbangan ibu bapa ialah apabila anak-anak mengalami berat badan berlebihan (overweight) ataupun dipanggil obesiti. Menurut Reuters, selain mengundang penyakit dan masalah fizikal, masalah ‘overweight’ dalam kalangan kanak-kanak juga mendorong kepada tekanan emosi dan psikologi seumur hidup mereka. Apakah maksud obesiti? Berat badan melebihi tahap normal dan menjejaskan kesihatan seseorang. Jikalau berat badan melebihi 20 % berat badan normal mereka dikatakan “obese.” Obesiti di kategorikan mengikut BMI (Body Mass Index) iaitu satu cara untuk mengukur berat badan mengikut ketinggian seseorang. Apakah Punca Overweight Pemakanan Gaya pemakanan yang kurang sihat serta pengambilan kalori melebihi karbohidrat dan lemak. Contohnya, nasi, tepung, roti, minuman manis dan makanan bergoreng. Kurang ...

5 Foolproof Ways To Maintain A Positive Attitude

  Remez Sasson (n.d.) once claimed that “positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.” It can be really challenging to maintain a positive attitude and optimism while being a working mother. Could not agree more that mom with career hold a huge responsibility to handle house chores and office task at the same time. 5 Foolproof Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude Focus on the positive “Negativity breeds negativity,” says Liberman. “Happiness is contagious.” As a working mom, instead of coming home and focusing on the mess or the unfinished chores, make some positive comments. After all, who wants a grumpy mom around? The first step is to speak calmly rather than yell at kids. Sets a positive tone and avoid yelling. Show them that you appreciate and value their help. Set a clear objective with family Work as a team to set and achieve goals as a family. The goals can be as simple as completing a...