5 Foolproof Ways To Maintain A Positive Attitude


Remez Sasson (n.d.) once claimed that “positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.”

It can be really challenging to maintain a positive attitude and optimism while being a working mother. Could not agree more that mom with career hold a huge responsibility to handle house chores and office task at the same time.

5 Foolproof Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude

Focus on the positive

“Negativity breeds negativity,” says Liberman. “Happiness is contagious.” As a working mom, instead of coming home and focusing on the mess or the unfinished chores, make some positive comments. After all, who wants a grumpy mom around?

The first step is to speak calmly rather than yell at kids. Sets a positive tone and avoid yelling. Show them that you appreciate and value their help.

Set a clear objective with family

Work as a team to set and achieve goals as a family. The goals can be as simple as completing all of the house chores over the weekend so that you can enjoy a family time afterwards.

In order to motivate everyone to cooperate and enjoy doing the chore, parents can write the goal on a calendar that the kids can see, as well as the reward for achieving the goal.

Spend time with kids

When you are having a bad day, the last thing the you can do is laugh. Laughter reduces blood pressure and stress hormones, which is precisely what you need on a terrible day. Ask your children to show some hilarious YouTube videos or share their favorite jokes. Watch a comedy film. Whatever it takes, do it. Make time to laugh and have fun!

Enjoy simple things

A good cup of coffee. Watching the beautiful view of sunrise or sunset. Going for a walk with family. It's the little things in life that bring joy and keep optimistic.

Hug your kids

Don’t forget to give out hugs as it is the easiest things to do. When you're feeling down, grab your children and give them a hug! Hugging and laughing, can help to relieve stress.


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