
Showing posts from May 30, 2021

5 Reasons Why Mommies Should Give Organic Food For Baby

  Keith Brofsky/UpperCut Images/Getty Images Organic foods for baby? Is it crucial? Healthy food is definitely Mommies’ choice for their baby and they want more information about the origin of the food and how it is produced. Mommies can select certified organic products for hundreds of reasons, so here, we have reduced them to the top 5 reasons why Mommies should give organic foods for babies. 1. Well-being Artificial colors, flavors or preservatives are not allowed in organic food Organic foods prohibit artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Which means, o nly fewer than 40 synthetic ingredients can be used in organic packaged foods, and after being revised by independent experts and governments. 2. Nutrition Organic food holds more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and micronutrients Indian Council of Agricultural Research, in 2017, claimed that millets are nutritionally equivalent to major cereals and are high in protein, micronutrients, and phytochemicals ·  ...

Organic Vs Natural: Which One Is Better For Baby?

  100% Organic or 100% Natural. Image: Google Choosing the best food for baby can be puzzling sometimes.  This is a concern for new parents facing such a situation. Which one is better? Organic foods or natural foods? Is there any different at all? The differences are quite significant! Natural Foods Basically, when we talk about “natural food”, is it as nutritious and convenient as organic food? Unfortunately, natural does not always imply organic, and there are no guarantees. Natural foods are frequently used to describe foods that have undergone limited processing. Nevertheless,   neither the FDA nor the USDA have rules or regulations in place for products  labelled "natural" in the United States. By that, food manufacturers frequently use the term "natural" to describe foods that contain highly processed ingredients. Organic Foods Now, let’s talk about organic.  Organic is the most heavily regulated food system. The term 'organic' means a minimum of 95% ...

5 Interesting Facts: The Benefits of Organic Baby Foods

  Source: Google The benefits of organic food are well renowned. Plus, in particular for babies, it is essential to consider organically grown foods. There are numerous reasons for Mommies to consider organic food for your children because of the benefits that it has. Literally, according to the  Organic Trade Association , organic food contains improved levels of nutrients and antioxidants, no use of artificial preservatives, colorings, added flavors, or ionizing radiation. Facts Organic baby food better tasting - Other than traditional foods, organic foods are typically free of synthetic chemicals and pesticides. This also applies to baby’s food. Snack will be the key to the palatability of baby food. Sumber: Google Organic baby foods have low chemical exposure – Organic baby food is a safer choice because of a lack of chemical exposure. Organic products cultivated without chemical fertilizers and pesticides contain lower toxic metal levels. Several issues from pestic...


  Sumber: Google Kebanyakan syarikat membenarkan pekerja untuk bekerja dari rumah ataupun ‘Work from Home’ selepas pengumuman ‘total lockdown’ Fasa Pertama dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan. Ini bagi mengurangkan risiko jangkitan COVID-19 dalam kalangan pekerja. Pastinya, masalah kesesakan trafik, perihal sekolah anak dan menjaga anak kecil di rumah tidak perlu dibimbangi. Situasi Sebenar Mommies Yang Bekerja Dari Rumah Baru sahaja nak masuk meeting anak kecil sudah mula merengek meminta perhatian, belum lagi meminta susu dan sebagainya. Kenyataannya, bekerja dari rumah bukanlah suatu perkara yang mudah terutamanya buat insan yang bergelar ‘Mommy’. Dalam satu kajian yang dijalankan oleh universiti ternama, sebanyak 18% ibu yang bekerja dari rumah menghadapi masalah kemurungan seterusnya mendedahkan seseorang kepada risiko penyakit yang berbahaya seperti sakit jantung atau diabetes. Justeru, bagi mengelakkan perkara ini dari berlaku, Mommies perlu bijak merancang jadual harian untuk...