How To Boost Your Baby’s Appetite


As a parent, you will undoubtedly be concerned if your child loses weight due to a lack of appetite. When children have a poor appetite, they tend to become a ‘picky eater’.

To plan a balanced nutritional schedule for a ‘picky eater’ child is not easy. Often, this issue arises for working mothers due to busy schedule with office work as well as having to manage housework.

Don't worry, we are here to help the Mommies to solve this problem. Before that, Mommies need to know the causes of low appetite in babies, toddlers, and kids.

Causes Of Low Appetite in Babies, Toddlers, And Kids

Several factors of low appetite in infants are,

Too much of milk/dairy product

There can be too much cow's milk or formula for babies and children. Limit cow's milk or dairy products to 2-3 cups a day for toddlers.

Zinc deficiency

Hydrochloric acid is one of the major components needed for the stomach to digest the food. This can also lead to a feeling of starving. There may be a chance that your child is suffering from zinc deficiency if he has a low appetite. It may be helpful to bring back normal levels by including chicken, cashew nuts, wheat bran, pumpkin seeds and other products high in zinc.

Unbalanced digestion

It takes energy to process and digest food in our stomach. Ayurveda claimed that the ‘Pakwagni’ or the fire assists in burning the food in stomachs and converting it into the energy require by body. It hits by indigestion, gases, flatulence and other conditions in the stomach. Illnesses, as well, can lead to improper digestion and lowered desire to eat.

5 Tips to Boost Your Baby’s Appetite

Some of natural ways to boost your baby’s appetite:

Compulsory for breakfast

The main part of the day that enables body to work efficiently all day long is by having a proper breakfast. After a long break in the night, breakfast works best by ensuring that your baby stays active throughout the day. A healthy and balanced breakfast will naturally help improve your baby's appetite.

Milk is NOT a solution

“Milk is enough for breakfast” is not sufficient. Indeed, it may be good nutrition, but it is not sufficient to have milk for breakfast or dinner. Excessive use of milk reduces the appetite for the following food, which is counterproductive everywhere. Milk should be kept moderately and the alternative may also be other dairy products.

Provide more food rich in zinc

For the actual digestion process, the presence of zinc is vital. Once the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is normal, the digestive processes become realigning. Furthermore, iron-rich food encourages the functioning, growth and development of various antioxidants.  To get rid of health problems such as weight loss, reduce appetite and etc, Mommies can start to feed your baby more of the zinc-rich food such as spinach, nuts, beans, pumpkin sweets, and mushrooms.

Offer light snacks

Light snacks are a fantastic food for your lil tots to keep them active throughout the day and enhance your baby's appetite. Instead of eating non-nutritious things to kill hunger, Mommies can try to give sandwich, cereal, or muesli that will bring all the nutrients needed to enhance their appetite. These satisfy hunger while also providing the necessary nutrition for your lil tots!

Catch their attention favorite foods

Like all adults, toddlers also have their own favorite foods. Offering their favorite food at first can help to stimulate appetite and get their metabolism up. Once they become a good eater, Mommies can try to give other foods.

5 Foods Help to Boost Your Baby’s Appetite

Banana: Bananas can be introduced for baby that is six months old and above. It contains over 100 calories and are high in carbohydrates, potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamins C and B6, making them an excellent natural energy source. Mommies can try to make banana smoothies, shakes, puddings, and mashed bananas for your baby. The best part is, banana is easy to feed at home and when travelling.

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes can be introduced for babies after six months. Sweet potato contains high-nutritional-value food that is high in vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin C, copper, manganese, and vitamin B6. Moreover, it also high in potassium, magnesium, dietary fibre, phosphorus, and low in saturated fat. Sweet potatoes are easy to mash and digest which is good for baby to tolerate, as well as delicious. Sweet potato, khichdi, pancakes, and halwa are all options.

Plain meat: Meat can be a good option for non-vegetarians to gain weight. It provides all of the essential amino acids, as well as fat, protein, iron, zinc, and selenium. Red meat contains iron that is easily absorbed by your baby. Mommies are recommended to introduce homemade meat at first for your baby.

Egg: Eggs are rich in protein and saturated fat. It also has minerals, as well as vitamins A and B12. For a good growth and development of child, eggs are an excellent as a source of protein. Moreover, it promotes high in choline, which supports in the regulation of the nervous system and brain. Egg yolks especially is very recommended for baby because of the nutrition that it contains in it. However, take note to consult with nutritionist because some babies might have allergies with egg.

Cheese: Cheese is high in calcium, protein, vitamins A, D, and B12, as well as phosphorus. Mommies can start introducing cheese for eight months old babies. Cheese is a high-calorie food that can help baby to gain weight. Cheese that are recommended for baby are cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese and cream cheese. Basically, cheese that has been pasteurized and cultured is safe for babies to eat.

Baby weight and baby growth are not the same thing. Baby can be considered healthy if they are active, has appetite to eat and a strong immune system. The weight of a child is one component of its overall growth, but it is not the only criterion used to assess the child's development. For working Mommies who is busy with office works and house chores, Groomy has another solution for you. Do visit to get the best organic baby food products which is suitable to boost your baby’s appetite!



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