
5 Simple Hacks to Organize Your Nursery Dresser!

  Do you need help organizing your nursery dresser? When it comes to organizing baby clothes in the nursery dresser, what is the best method? We're here to help! #1 Begin with empty drawer Let's start with a clean slate when organizing the baby's dresser. Empty all of the drawers to figure, reorganize, and rearrange baby's clothes. #2 Empty the baskets clothes Make sure that all of the baby's clothes have been washed and that the dirty clothes hamper is empty. To avoid having problems with drawer space, avoid to organize while there are still clothes in the dirty bin. #3 Label the drawer Sort clothes more easily by putting labels on the drawers. Especially useful when dad, grandma, or the babysitter needs to grab something out of the drawer quickly. #4 Method of folding by Marie Kondo Source: @mariekondo  As soon as you start using the KonMari Method of folding, you'll realize that it is a turning point. You'll be able to see everything in the drawer and gra...

Strategies & Tips: How To Teach Problem Solving To Kids

Teaching children begins the minute we decide to let our infant locate the pacifier that fell just inches from his fingertips (rather than picking it up ourselves) and continues until the day we say, "No, that college application is your responsibility, do you want to go or not?" Here are five strategies and tips to teach problem-solving abilities to your kids. Encourage imaginative play Do you remember wooden blocks? How about making a fort out of scrap materials? Children of all ages learn best when they are engaged in play. Make sure their play is challenging and requires imagination.  Include a few roadblocks in their learning experience The difficulty should be manageable, and there should be a viable solution. The better informed they are, the better their decisions will be. Include a variety of solution options Make it easier to make decisions. Continue the momentum by ensuring that your children do not habitually avoid making difficult decisions because yo...

The Power of Positivity: 5 Tips to Foster Positive Thinking in Children

A positive attitude in life can help kids to tackle every problem in their lives. A minor setback can have a negative impact on children, but they should understand that it is not the end of the world. Positivity can also help children become more resilient and learn to solve problems easily. Here are several ideas to help children develop a positive attitude. 1. Be a good role model Children pay close attention to every move, emotion, and feeling from their parents. They gradually begin to follow whatever you think or believe. Explain to them that staying positive in the face of adversity and everything that follows is possible and can be beneficial. 2. Motivate and inspire your children Encourage your children to look at the positive things in life when they feel demotivated. Recognize their accomplishments and avoid scolding them when they make mistakes. If your child misbehaves, avoid scolding but explain politely that this type of behavior is unacceptable and educate him h...

5 Foods That Help To Develop Your Baby’s Muscle

  To keep body's systems running smoothly and build a strong and healthy muscles, as a parent, you must make sure your baby consumes the perfect balance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Healthy foods are needed for baby for their growth, development and learning. Below are the five foods that help to develop your baby’s muscle. 1. Protein Egg yolk strained or pureed  chicken  or  fish cheese cubes tofu Advantages: Turned into body protein for bone, muscle, and blood growth and maintenance. Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, iron, and vitamin B are all important nutrients for muscle growth. 2. Vegetables Mashed or strained vegetable Tomatoes, peas and green leafy vegetables Advantage: vegetables contain the provision of vitamins (A, B, C) fibers and protein contribute to muscle development across the whole body. It helps to absorb iron by vitamin C. Cell growth aids Vitamin B. Digestion helps with fiber. 3. Fruit strained or mashed almonds dates apple cash...

4 Ways to Encourage Your Children’s Imagination

  Excitement. The state of gratitude and the beginning of creativity and enjoyment. Sounds…cool? So how to increase wonder in our children’s lives? The majority of items that increase a child's sense of wonder fall into four categories. Take it in your child's room as your strategy in four steps to create a magnificent and creative space. 1. Unbelievably large things Big teddy bear is one of baby’s favorite thing. They are amazed on how big the teddy bear is! Try to put something bigger than they are in their room. If you have little floor space, a large artwork is a good place to start.  2. Unbelievably small things Children are fascinated by little things, almost as much as they are admired by big objects. Collect a few small things to display in their room so that they can learn not to put little things into mouth. Begin with small natural things - small flowers or little pebbles will be effective. Add a loupe for additional fun. 3. Things that are hard to comprehend Chil...

Bila Bayi Boleh Makan Keju?

  Keju merupakan makanan yang terkenal dengan nutrisi yang bermanfaat selain kaya dengan protein, kalori dan vitamin yang diperlukan untuk tubuh si kecil. Maka tidak hairanlah jika dalam kalangan Mommies yang teruja untuk memberikan keju untuk anak. Bila bayi boleh makan keju? Menurut kebanyakan paediatrik, bayi boleh diperkenalkan dengan keju apabila mereka berusia 8 bulan keatas. Ini kerana pada masa tersebut, mereka sudah mampu mengunyah dan menelan makanan lembut seperti keju. Manfaat keju untuk bayi Kalsium: pertumbuhan tulang bayi dan gigi Protein: memberi pertumbuhan yang optimal Kalori: membekalkan sumber tenaga Lemak: menu diet untuk bayi overweight Senarai keju yang baik untuk bayi Keju yang baik untuk bayi adalah keju yang telah dipasteur atau dikultur. Antara keju yang selamat diberi kepada bayi ialah: Cottage cheese Parmesan cheese Cheddar cheese Cream cheese Mozzarella cheese Senarai keju yang tidak sesuai untuk bayi Keju yang tidak dipasteur dan keju...

Work-Life Balance: Tips For Working Mother

  Working mothers faced particular challenges. It is an impossible challenge in balancing work and family life. Being perceived as not fully present as an employee or a mother can be exhausting and thankless. But this does not have to be the case.  Here are five strategies for ensuring that both your career and your family thrive. Get over the feeling of guilt Some women are unable of being ‘stay-at-home’ mothers, while others choose to return to work because they do not want to give up their careers. Choosing to be a working mother is a choice to be admired rather than judged or shamed. If you are feeling guilty about not always being with your child, it is time to let it go. Start focusing on the benefits the company can be contributed to your family. Create time-saving techniques Plan your task smart and strategically to get the most out in the least amount of time. Mommies can try to order food through online web or have delivered it to your house, saving tim...